JULY 2021

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Pallet Shelters

Construction for Change and Pallet Shelters have combined forces to bring forth a nationwide initiative to promote stable temporary housing units that are safe, secure, and dignified.

Holmberg Mechanical was invited to help by SMACNA-WW to construct a new 30-unit community and will supply its union craftspeople for this endeavor. Each unit only takes one hour and minimal tools to build. Each unit is outfitted with beds, climate control, safety features, electricity and more.

Pallet Shelters is a social purpose company on a mission to build equal opportunity access to housing and employment. Pallet Shelters has developed an innovative solution by manufacturing a rapid, scalable and cost-effective shelter that can be implemented in emergency response situations and as short-term housing for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Construction for Change (CfC) is a non-profit construction management company which partners with nonprofit organizations and government agencies around the world to build spaces where people can become healthier, better educated, and increase economic mobility.

SMACNA-WW invites Holmberg Mechanical to supply pallet shelter building initiative

High-visibility clothing, Jeans, Cloud, Sky, Workwear, Asphalt, Vest

Photo courtesy of Holmberg Mechanical